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/ The Fatted Calf / The Fatted Calf.iso / Applications / Communication / GatorGeo / Source / GatorGeo.nib (.txt) < prev    next >
NeXT TypedStream Data  |  1992-03-09  |  13KB  |  287 lines

  1. typedstream
  2. StreamTable
  3.     HashTable
  4. Object
  5. [20c]
  6. typedstream
  7. [1332c]
  8. typedstream
  9.     HashTable
  10. Object
  11. FirstResponder
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  38.     GeoClient
  39. Window
  40. /usr/include/sys/message.h
  41.     windownib
  42. queryButton
  43. stateAbbrTextField
  44. longitudeNameTextField
  45. stateNameTextField
  46. latitudeTextField
  47. moreStatesPullDownList
  48. errorMessageScrollView
  49. timeZoneTextField
  50. moreStatesPullDownListButton
  51. featureNameTextField
  52. subprocess
  53. remarkTextField
  54. cityTextField
  55. records
  56. statesPullDownList
  57. countyNameTextField
  58. searchingMessageWindow
  59. errorMessageWindow
  60. statesPullDownListButton
  61. areaCodeTextField
  62. featureCodeTextField
  63. stateTextField
  64. elevationTextField
  65. nationAbbrTextField
  66. censusTextField
  67. nationNameTextField
  68. loginMessageWindow
  69. countyCodeTextField
  70. zipScrollView
  71. selectState:
  72. appDidInit:
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  76. typedstream
  77.     HashTable
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  90. GatorGeo
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  99. Info Panel...
  100. Help...
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  105. Paste
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  110. iiii***@s@
  111.     GeoClient
  112.     TextField
  113. TextFieldCell
  114.     Meadville
  115. State
  116. Button
  117. Query
  118. Title
  119. A Geographic Name Server Client
  120. Helvetica-Oblique
  121. [32@]
  122. County FIPS Code
  123. Helvetica-Bold
  124. State/Province Abbreviation
  125. Nation Abbreviation
  126. Telephone Area Code
  127. Elevation (in feet) 
  128. Feature Code
  129. Latitude DD MM SS X
  130. 1980 Census Population
  131. Remark
  132.     Time Zone
  133. Postal (ZIP) Codes
  134.  County Name
  135. State/Province Name 
  136. Nation Name
  137. Feature Name
  138.  Longitude DD MM SS X 
  139. ScrollView
  140. ClipView
  141. ciifffcfffs
  142. [157c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  143. \margl40
  144. \margr40
  145. \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\f0\b0\i0\ul0\fs24 
  146. NXCursor
  147. NXImage
  148. NXibeam
  149. Scroller
  150. _doScroller:
  151. @@@ffs|
  152. States
  153. OtherViews
  154.     PopUpList
  155. popUp:
  156. pulldown
  157.     pulldownH
  158. More States
  159. Field1
  160. Field
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  162. Field3
  163. Field5
  164. Field6
  165. Field7
  166. Field8
  167. Field9
  168. Field10!
  169. Field11$
  170. Field12'
  171. Field13*
  172. Field14-
  173. Field150
  174. Field166
  175. Field179
  176. Field18<
  177. Field19?
  178. Field20B
  179. Field21E
  180. Field4K
  181. Field22N
  182. Field23Q
  183. Field24T
  184. Field25W
  185. Field26Z
  186. Field27]
  187. Field28`
  188. Field29c
  189. Field30f
  190. Field31i
  191. Field32l
  192. ScrollingTexto
  193. Button1
  194. Please Wait
  195. Window
  196. Attempting To Contact
  197. martini.eecs.umich.edu 3000
  198.     GatorGeo1
  199. Abort Program
  200.     Searching
  201. Searching for states
  202. ErrorMessages
  203. Error Messages
  204. {\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  205. \margl40
  206. \margr40
  207. \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\f0\b0\i0\ul0\fs24 
  208. Panel
  209. by Charles G. Fleming 
  210. =Partially supported by a grant from the Vira Heinz Endowment.
  211. Version 0.90
  212. 7Copyright 1992 Allegheny College.  All Rights Reserved.
  213. VersionNumber
  214. [1362c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  215. \margl40
  216. \margr40
  217. {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}
  218. \f0\b0\i0\ul0\ql\fs48\fi0\li0\gray0\up0\dn0                                                 \
  219.                                           GatorGeo\
  220. \fs36   GatorGeo is a simple client program for the 
  221. \pard\tx1060\tx2120\tx3200\tx4260\tx5320\tx6400\tx7460\tx8540\tx9600\tx10660\i\fc0 Geographic 
  222. \pard\fc0   \
  223. \pard\tx1060\tx2120\tx3200\tx4260\tx5320\tx6400\tx7460\tx8540\tx9600\tx10660\fc0 Name Server, Copyright 1989, 1990 Merit Inc
  224. \pard\i0\fc0 . The  \
  225. \i Geographic Name Server
  226. \i0  runs on  \
  227.   martini.eecs.umich.edu 3000.\
  228.   To query the geographic database, simply type the \
  229.   name of a city into the text field labeled 
  230. \i City
  231. \i0 .  Then   \
  232.   either press return or click the button labeled 
  233. \i Query
  234. \i0 .  To \
  235.   narrow the search, you may also type the name of a   \
  236.   state into the text field labeled 
  237. \i State
  238. \i0  before clicking the \
  239.   query button.  If a city is found, the pulldown list labeled \
  240. \i States 
  241. \i0 will be enabled.  To display the information \
  242.   retrieved about the city, select a state from the pulldown   \
  243.   list.  If more than thirty-eight entries were found, the \
  244.   pulldown list labeled 
  245. \i More States
  246. \i0  will also be enabled. \
  247.   The information will be automatically displayed in the \
  248.   text fields and scroll view once a state has been \
  249.   selected.  
  250. {i*@@@}
  251. [41{i*@@@}]
  252. hide:
  253. terminate:
  254. copy:
  255. paste:
  256. selectAll:
  257. query:
  258. cityTextField
  259. stateTextField
  260. delegate
  261. queryButton
  262. countyCodeTextField
  263. countyNameTextField
  264. stateAbbrTextField
  265. stateNameTextField
  266. nationAbbrTextField
  267. nationNameTextField
  268. areaCodeTextField
  269. elevationTextField
  270. featureCodeTextField
  271. featureNameTextField
  272. latitudeTextField
  273. longitudeNameTextField
  274. censusTextField
  275. remarkTextField
  276. timeZoneTextField
  277. statesPullDownListButton
  278. zipScrollView
  279. textDelegate
  280. loginMessageWindow
  281. searchingMessageWindow
  282. performClick:
  283. errorMessageWindow
  284. errorMessageScrollView
  285. moreStatesPullDownListButton
  286. makeKeyAndOrderFront: